Relief Starts Here: 4 Habits to Avoid if You Have TMJ Disorder

December 27, 2024

Patient with TMJ disorder chewing on a pen

Have you noticed an uptick in headaches, jaw pain, and chewing difficulty? It might be TMJ disorder. This temporomandibular joint inflammation can make life difficult, which is why it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible. But what should you do until then to keep it from getting worse? Continue reading to find four habits you can break today to keep your TMJ in check.

1. Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Bruxism is unconscious teeth grinding or clenching that can put excess pressure on your jaw joint, worsening TMJ symptoms. Many people clench their teeth due to stress or while sleeping, making it hard to control.

If you want to improve or break this habit, the best way forward is to first practice mindfulness and relaxation during the day. Then, see your dentist and receive a nightguard to protect your smile while you sleep.

2. Ditch Tough Foods and Chewing Gum

Chewing gum, hard candy, steak, and crunchy snacks force your jaw muscles to work overtime which can force your jaw into overuse. Over time, this can lead to stiffness, soreness, and increased TMJ pain which can make treatment more complex.

Stick to soft foods when your TMJ symptoms flare up and switch out gum for sugar-free mints. This will keep your jaw feeling relaxed while you await your appointment with your dentist.

3. Correct Your Posture

Slouching or hunching over, especially while using your phone or computer for long periods of time, can strain your neck and jaw muscles. This tension travels up to your TMJ, increasing pain and discomfort.

Instead, keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed when sitting. If you work at a desk, adjust your monitor to eye level and increase the size of the text to avoid hunching forward.

4. Don’t Ignore Your Stress

Stress can cause you to unconsciously clench your jaw or tighten facial muscles, making TMJ symptoms worse. Ignoring stress leads to chronic tension, which increases jaw pain over time.

If you’re feeling stressed, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle jaw massages. Bringing down your blood pressure and anxiety will go a long way in reducing your TMJ symptoms and help you focus.

TMJ disorder can be frustrating, but small changes can make a big difference. By breaking these habits, you can help relieve pain and protect your jaw health. Once you’re able, call your dentist and schedule a consultation. This will put you on a path to permanent relief as soon as possible.

About the Practice

Dr. Nada Elsadig and Dr. Lan Duckett are your compassionate dental team here at DentaCrafters PLLC. They have decades of experience between them, helping countless patients over the years get the care they need for a wide range of dental issues. If you need relief from your TMJ symptoms, you’ll be in good hands. Call (703) 241-5775 to schedule a TMJ consultation with us or visit our website to learn more about TMJ disorder and how we treat it.