Emergency Dentist – Falls Church, VA

High-Quality Care for Urgent Dental Problems

There’s simply no way to guarantee that you will never have to deal with severe dental pain, broken teeth, or another kind of dental emergency. Our team at DentaCrafters PLLC is here to help you find relief from any urgent dental issues you may be suffering from; we can even make time to see you on Saturdays if necessary. Keep our contact information handy so that you can call us immediately if a dental emergency in Falls Church strikes.

Why Choose DentaCrafters PLLC for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Saturday Emergency Dental Appointments Available
  • Wide Variety of Dental Services in One Location
  • Team of Knowledgeable Dental Experts

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

While we will obviously need to personalize your treatment depending on the nature of your dental issue, our approach to emergency dental care can be boiled down to these four steps:

Emergency Appointment:

Person dialing phone number of emergency dentist in Falls Church

After we receive your call, we’ll ask about your symptoms and give you first-aid advice you might need. Then we will make arrangements to see you as promptly as possible.

Emergency Exam:

Dental patient holding the side of her face in pain

When you get to our dental office, we will focus on doing two things: treating any severe pain that you’re experiencing and examining your mouth to figure out where the cause of the problem lies.

Review Findings:

Dentist looking at a tablet with a patient

After completing our examination, we’ll share the results with you. Not only will we make sure that you fully understand the nature of your emergency, but we will also help figure out the best way to have it treated.

Provide the Treatment You Need:

Dentist pointing to a woman grinning in dental chair

The final step is to put your treatment plan into action. We will put a stop to your dental pain, repair your damaged teeth, and get your oral health back on track.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Do you know what kinds of dental situations require an emergency appointment? Below are some examples of oral health issues that may warrant a call to our office. Even if you’re not totally sure that your problem is truly urgent, it never hurts to reach out to our practice and see what our dental team recommends.