Falls Church, VA Dentist

Get to Know Dr. Nada Elsadig

Falls Church Virginia dentist Doctor Nada Elsadig

Dr. Nada Elsadig graduated from Howard School of Dentistry with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree as a top performer of her class academically and clinically. She was awarded many honors to included top awards for prosthodontics, endodontics, and leadership skills. Practicing as a Registered Dental Hygienist for over 10 years, Dr. Elsadig provided exceptional dental care for thousands of patients throughout the Northern Virginia region.

Dr. Nada Elsadig

Doctor Nada smiling in dental office

Her passion for dentistry inspired her to pursue a career as a Falls Church dentist. Her philosophy of practice is “to gain my patient’s trust and put their dental fear to rest”. Dr. Elsadig participated in many local and global dental mission trips to provide dental care to underserved communities. She also published many articles in My Health Magazine, a local health paper that provides health educational information to local communities.