Gum Disease Treatment – Falls Church, VA

Treating Your Swollen, Bleeding Gums

Do your gums seem redder or more swollen than normal? Have they been bleeding whenever you brush or floss? These are common signs of gum disease – an all-too-common oral health issue that could have severe consequences for your smile if it isn’t dealt with properly. Don’t waste any time; call DentaCrafters PLLC if you think you may have gum disease; our team is ready to take whatever steps are necessary to improve the health of your gums with effective gum disease treatment in Falls Church.

Why Choose DentaCrafters PLLC for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • Gentle, Highly Precise Laser Treatments
  • Team of Knowledgeable Dentists
  • Focused on Excellent Customer Service

Laser Gum Disease Treatment

Close up of person smiling after gum disease treatment in Falls Church

Modern technology has changed the way that many dentists treat gum disease. Now we can target the inflamed gum tissue in your mouth and remove it with the help of a dental laser. The energy from the laser will help kill the bacteria that are contributing to gum disease. One of the advantages of using a dental laser is precision, meaning there is less of a chance that healthy tissue will be damaged unnecessarily during the treatment.

Scaling & Root Planing

Senior man in dental chair

The inflammation associated with gum disease is often linked to plaque and tartar deposits that have accumulated in the area below the gumline. Luckily, our team can use scaling to get rid of these harmful substances. Once scaling is complete, we can move on to root planing, which is where we carefully smooth out the roots of your teeth. Thanks to root planing, your gums will have a much easier time attaching themselves to your teeth again.

Antibiotic Therapy

Woman taking pill with glass of water

After we complete the scaling and root planing process, we will often follow it up with antibiotic therapy so that we can continue fighting the infection in your mouth. Antibiotic therapy may mean prescribing you a pill to take at home, but it could also involve applying a medication to the gums. In many cases, antibiotic therapy can go a long way toward reducing inflammation of the gums and protecting your smile from further harm.